Buffy was the greatest little dog you could ever want. So smart. I know she could read my mind before I said a word. She was my pal and went everywhere with me. I know she is in dog heaven now. Oh, how I miss her.
Your buddy
Buffy was the greatest little dog you could ever want. So smart. I know she could read my mind before I said a word. She was my pal and went everywhere with me. I know she is in dog heaven now. Oh, how I miss her.
Your buddy
The biggest huggie bear of the world...full with humor and very intelligent... only 5 years because a brain attack..we miss her soooo much ,no more walks on the beach. Our harts are still bleeding WHY
Robert Tatjana Naome and Heaven Leigh from the Netherlands
I lost Tiger in late June 1998 because of liver disease. He was a beautiful, playful cat I adopted from a pet store in Brooklyn. I still miss him very much.
We met Maggie as a small, round ball of black fluff puppy - my first dog since childhood. She was a smart, talented, athletic, vocal, whirling dervish of endless energy. She was my constant friend, a true friend. We were so lucky and so grateful she was with us. A Maggie size hole in our lives will remain. Thank you, my sweet girl.
your moms
Mo was a rescue. Maybe he was abused...He was full of fear and sometimes naughty but he was always my good boy. I treasure our 7 years together. Mo, I miss you every day.
Love, your Mama
Sophie was scared of everything, because we rescued her. The only time she would be brave was when she thought I needed to be defended. Nothing can replace the quiet loyalty of a dog.
Love, Caretaker
In the dark, I thought Shelby wanted out, but he wouldn't leave my mothers room. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized my mom was trying to get up & didn't remember she couldn't walk. DR. said if she falls again, she will die. Shelby saved my Mothers life. I miss him so!
Elissa Davey
To my big boy, kippy. I will NEVER forget you. A funny cat that loved turning flips in the chair and acting like a boy. I never understood why you had to leave me so sudden. I was sad the day we moved But we survived.I miss you so. I'm sure your playing with lots of cat friends and I hope you found "angel" your dog brother.
Love forever, momma becky
Patch (Jack Russell) was rescued from being abused we all loved him so much especially our daughter Lesley who cared for him from an early age, he lived a good life. We now have Lucky another Jack Russell, (pictured) he is now the family treasure, but Patch will never be forgotten
Love Mandy, Gary, Dan, Tam, Mike & Lesley
We think about you and love you every day, our little Brown Eyed Girl. For 14 years, you were our pride and joy, our best friend and our most treasured gift. Words can not describe how much we miss you.
Dads who will love you forever - Tim and Allen