To my most wonderful, white, and beautiful baby girl. You were such a wonderful baby. Such a great traveler..I will miss all of our trips together. Say hello to grandma and Frank in heaven.
Love, mom and dad
To my most wonderful, white, and beautiful baby girl. You were such a wonderful baby. Such a great traveler..I will miss all of our trips together. Say hello to grandma and Frank in heaven.
Love, mom and dad
What a big sweet girl you were Sashi. Our hearts are broken, you left us too soon. Your heart was so big and you were such a love .
Love you girl - miss you so much!
Yesterday marks 3 years without my loving, funny, smart, sweet, handsome Lucky. I will be forever grateful to you & forever heartbroken without you. You brought us all so much pure joy. Your love will never fade. I miss everything about you. We are so grateful for almost 16 years together; we wish we had more. Your memory lives on.
I love you forever, Heather
Tootsie Roll - angel on earth and now an angel in Heaven. Ears made of angel hair. A good a kind and a gentle. We spent September at Cypress Inn Co owned by Doris Day in Carmel, Ca. and spent days at the off leash dog beach having pic nics. I am blessed to have her in my life. I am a better person because of Tootsie Roll.
I will never forget the day we meet you when you were just this little wild puppy. Orson you brought so much joy, laughs, love and so much more to us. The years went by too fast and we will never forget you and we miss you everyday. I hope we gave you the best life because you gave us the best 14+ yrs.
Love you buddy
My beautiful beloved Tobycat. We rescued each other and I am grateful to God that you were sent to me. You helped me through so many losses and was always there with so much love. I miss you every day. You will always be my Heart Cat!
Love, Mama Suz
Thank you for saving my life in the car accident, I only wish that it hadn't cost you your's. In the past month of healing myself I have tried to honor you by volunteering with other rescue pups. You truly were a gift I my life. Thank you See you later, Bye, little man.
Love Mama
We will never forget our little foster “failure”. You were our ray of sunshine. We will love you forever
Love, Mom and Dad
Oscar was a Cavalier rescue when we took him on in 2012 so we do not know his date of birth. He was our most hugely loved member of our family and we never left him for a moment. Holidays only at dogs loved places, no more holidays abroad. This photo was taken just ten days before he died, and there is never a week goes by without tears for him.
Huge love from Mum and Dad
Safari was my best friend The smartest most loyal dog I’ve ever met . She was like my own child and part of me died with her that day . But I know she’s waiting on me at the rainbow bridge . I love and miss her so much .
Love Kim