You were my mainstay through divorce, moving and just being with me each day. I miss you and so does Sam, your "cat brother".
Love, "Mom" and Sam
You were my mainstay through divorce, moving and just being with me each day. I miss you and so does Sam, your "cat brother".
Love, "Mom" and Sam
My rottie, a rescue, was my best friend. He saw me thru divorce and our home burning down, and illness. We took walks together, went anywhere where pets were allowed. He was loyal and forgiving. I loved him more than anything and miss him every day. He will be waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. God bless you, Ku!
In my heart always, Mom
I will miss my best friend for the rest of my life.
Love, Kristina
Callie came with the house we bought 9 years ago. She was beautiful, regal, and took no crap from anyone. She will be so missed!!
Love from the Crystal-Seaman Family
I still miss you so much, you were the best dog with the sweetest personality. So good to everyone. So smart with all the tricks you learned so easily. I think of you at the Rainbow Bridge all the time, and I will always love you and cherish your memory.
Much love, Mom
I found you in a shelter and your eyes melted my heart. When you was here I loves you so much an you loved me. Since this awful accident happened last november my heart is empty and my life has no sense. Please come back in one way or other !
In eternal love your mom, sister, friend
My darling scarlet we took you home from DSPCA in Dublin after you had been abused and we brought you back to trust a human you were our sweety for such a short time but always in our hearts
love mammy Charlotte and daddy Tony
I rescued you from a pet shop as you were lonely in the cage with your sisters. We miss you our Budda Boy.
Love, Mum.
I rescued you from the street. You lived in a tree. The vet said you were a tough little man. See you in Rainbow Bridge Darling.
"Love, Mum."
I miss my fur kids. I love you all. See you again one day in Rainbow Bridge.
Love, Mum.