Your sudden departure into the great mystery has left me sadder and wiser. I hold you in my heart.
Your Bro
Your sudden departure into the great mystery has left me sadder and wiser. I hold you in my heart.
Your Bro
He came into my life after his original owner couldn't take him into the nursing home where she was moving into. It took a few days before he warmed up, but he soon became a part of our family. He passed away from complications from congestive heart failure. We miss him every day.
Love, Steven and Larry.
<script>alert('POST Method Error');</script>our fur baby!
David and Jane
We miss you and love you little Tchuquinho!!! You gave us many happy days. Run free with Brandy and Buttons!!!
Your whole family!!!
To the best bunny rabbit in the whole, wide world. Out of my life much too soon, but you live in my heart forever! I'll see you again at the Bridge.
Your pet human, Joe
Springer Dog has been dead almost thirty years. He lived outdoors. He loved climbing mountains, but stayed close at the end. This only dog we ever knew.
Partch Family
Got Barney from Golden Retriever Rescue about 2 1/2 years ago. The sweetest dog we've ever had. Trained him as a Therapy Dog, he loved everyone. He will be missed more than words can convey.
All our Love, Mom and Dad
What a finicky and loveable dog you were. Everyone loved to pat you especially in the assisted living places we took you too. RIP - you made dog lovers out of all.
Love - your caretaker David
I received Gracie from a home that no longer wanted her when she was 5 months old. I suspect she had been abused because she was afraid of people. She and I became very close and she was my fierce protector. I miss her tremendously. Jack, her fur companion is very lonely as well.
Love your mama